Advanced queries are supported. Available fields: text, name, set, expansion, format, from, into, type, color, rarity, number, weakness, resistance, has, pokedex, artist
Can combine multiple fields, examples:
  • professor format:standard all professor cards in standard
  • text:"GX" type:supporter supporter cards that reference GX
  • color:r weakness:L fire pokemon with lightning weakness
  • (set:bs OR set:ju OR set:fo) AND rarity:rare rare cards in Base Set, Jungle or Fossil
  • text:"show it to your opponent" -text:"your hand" exact terms, except the latter term (- means NOT)
Colors: R (Fire), L, G, F, W, P, C, D, M, N (Dragon), Y (Fairy) Operators: AND (default), OR, NOT Please reach out to axpendix to help improve this documentation. For the tech savvy, the search was implemented by Lucene, full docs to the QL.
Ninetales BREAK (EVO 16)
Starmie BREAK (EVO 32)
Nidoking BREAK (EVO 46)
Machamp BREAK (EVO 60)
Yanmega BREAK (STS 8)
Talonflame BREAK (STS 21)
Pyroar BREAK (STS 24)
Clawitzer BREAK (STS 35)
Yveltal BREAK (STS 66)
Xerneas BREAK (STS 82)
Hydreigon BREAK (STS 87)
Delphox BREAK (FCO 14)
Omastar BREAK (FCO 19)
Carbink BREAK (FCO 51)
Bronzong BREAK (FCO 62)
Lugia BREAK (FCO 79)
Golduck BREAK (BKP 18)
Greninja BREAK (BKP 41)
Luxray BREAK (BKP 47)
Trevenant BREAK (BKP 66)
Raticate BREAK (BKP 89)
Chesnaught BREAK (BKT 12)
Raichu BREAK (BKT 50)
Marowak BREAK (BKT 79)
Zoroark BREAK (BKT 92)
Florges BREAK (BKT 104)
Noivern BREAK (BKT 113)
Empoleon BREAK (XYP XY134)
Beheeyem BREAK (XYP XY135)
Noctowl BREAK (XYP XY136)
Wobbuffet BREAK (XYP XY155)
Crobat BREAK (XYP 181)