Advanced queries are supported. Available fields: text, name, set, expansion, format, from, into, type, color, rarity, number, weakness, resistance, has, pokedex, artist
Can combine multiple fields, examples:
  • professor format:standard all professor cards in standard
  • text:"GX" type:supporter supporter cards that reference GX
  • color:r weakness:L fire pokemon with lightning weakness
  • (set:bs OR set:ju OR set:fo) AND rarity:rare rare cards in Base Set, Jungle or Fossil
  • text:"show it to your opponent" -text:"your hand" exact terms, except the latter term (- means NOT)
Colors: R (Fire), L, G, F, W, P, C, D, M, N (Dragon), Y (Fairy) Operators: AND (default), OR, NOT Please reach out to axpendix to help improve this documentation. For the tech savvy, the search was implemented by Lucene, full docs to the QL.
Rocket's Counter Attack (MODIMP 203)
Miracle Energy (MODIMP 244)
Rocket's Counter Attack (MODIMP 254)
Crushing Hammer (MODIMP 255)
Dowsing Machine (MODIMP 256)
Elixir (MODIMP 257)
Expert Belt (MODIMP 258)
G Scope (MODIMP 259)
Hacker (MODIMP 260)
Lost Medallion (MODIMP 261)
Master Ball (MODIMP 262)
Protective Orb (MODG2 146)
Gold Potion (MODG2 147)
G Scope (MODG2 148)
Professor Oak's New Theory (MODG1 145)
Super Rod (MODG1 146)
Expert Belt (MODG1 147)
Super Energy Charge (MODTR 97)
Rocket's Admin (MODTR 98)
Celebi (MODTR 99)
Miracle Energy (MODTR 100)
Seeker (MODFO 74)
Lost Medallion (MODFO 75)
Castaway (MODFO 76)
Ditto (MODFO 77)
Master Ball (MODJU 71)
Scoop Up Cyclone (MODJU 72)
Scramble Switch (MODJU 73)
Super Energy Removal (MODBS 107)
Dowsing Machine (MODBS 108)
Elixir (MODBS 109)
Hacker (MODBS 110)